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 Pomegranate has a delicious taste and offers many health benefits to the body, so are its health properties related to women's health in particular? Here is the most important information about the benefits of pomegranate for women.

What are the benefits of pomegranate for women? Here are the most important details in the following article:

Pomegranate benefits for women

Pomegranate has properties related to sexual health and helps treat infertility in women, and it may also help protect the fetus from deformities, due to multiple reasons, including:

Contains phytoestrogen

Pomegranate seeds contain phytoestrogen that helps prevent diseases and problems of the reproductive system in women, such as: uterine fibers, endometriosis, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.

Contains folic acid

Pomegranate is one of the most important foods rich in folic acid, which in turn helps in the development and growth of the fetus and reduce deformities, especially brain and spinal cord abnormalities, so pomegranate is important for the health of a pregnant woman.

Helps promote healthy uterus

Pomegranate helps increase blood flow to the uterus, thus maintaining its health and increasing the chances of successful fertilization and the attachment of the fetus to the uterine lining.

Contains flavonoids and antioxidants

Pomegranate is one of the richest foods in antioxidants that contribute to enhancing immune system health, resisting disease and infection, and reducing oxidative stress, thus helping to promote reproductive health and fertility.

Increase the level of testosterone

Pomegranate may help raise the level of the hormone testosterone, and although it is a male hormone, its presence in appropriate quantities in a woman's body is important for several reasons, including: increasing sexual desire and improving fertility.

Pomegranate benefits for men and women

In addition to the benefits of pomegranate for women, here are the most important potential benefits of pomegranate for both sexes in the following:

Rich in vitamins

Pomegranate is a rich source of vitamins, especially vitamin C, so that it may provide 40% of the body's need for vitamin C during the day.

It is also a source of vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, and potassium.

Promote digestion

Eating pomegranate may help relieve inflammation and improve digestion, especially in people who suffer from chronic diseases related to the digestive system, such as: Crohn's disease and ulcerative bowel disease.

But please do not have a lot of pomegranate if you are suffering from diarrhea. Because it might make matters worse in that case.

Promotes heart health

Pomegranate helps promote heart health, by increasing blood flow, preventing arteriosclerosis and cholesterol accumulation, and aiding in the regularity of diastolic blood pressure, thus preventing various heart diseases.

Relieve arthritis

Pomegranate has anti-inflammatory properties, especially those related to joints, bones and cartilage erosion, so it may contribute to relieving osteoporosis, rheumatism and any diseases related to arthritis.

Cancer prevention

Pomegranate has anti-cancer properties because it is rich in polyphenols, so that recent research studies the effect of pomegranate in preventing and treating cancer, especially prostate cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer.

It may also help reduce the spread of cancer cells.

Promotes oral and dental health

Pomegranate extracts may help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and reduce high acidity, thus preventing gum problems and diseases and tooth decay.

Other benefits of pomegranate

Here are some other potential benefits of pomegranate:

Possesses anti-bacterial properties.

It works to promote healthy skin.

Helps regulate blood sugar.

Contributes to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Warnings about pomegranate

Pomegranate is a very safe food, but please pay attention to some warnings, including the following:

Please be aware that if you suffer from allergies to plants, the possibility of allergy to pomegranates is high.

Please be careful if you suffer from low blood pressure, because pomegranate may increase the possibility of severe hypotension in this case.

You should stop eating pomegranate in large quantities at least two weeks before any surgery, due to its effect on blood pressure and the possibility of its interaction with antihypertensive drugs.



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