القائمة الرئيسية


 Going too far to watch your favorite series, read a book, or study may be a great solution to compensate for what they could not do during the day, but you must be careful! did not? Read on to find out!

One of the English folk proverbs says that "the hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after it," and in Egypt you find most mothers repeating the phrase "night sleep is not the same as daytime sleep" in the ears of their children.

This is not only the opinion of popular sayings, but thousands of scientific researches around the world indicate the harms of watching over the physical and psychological health, health of pregnant women, and the normal development of children and fetuses.

What happens in the body as a result of staying up late and lack of sleep?

Sleeping at night is associated with the release of the hormone melatonin, which increases in secretion in the dark and decreases in the presence of daylight.

And when you prolong the nights and reduce the number of hours you sleep at night, you are depriving your body of sufficient secretion of it, so the levels of this hormone in your body are disturbed, which negatively affects the regularity of the following functions you have:

The rates and times of falling asleep and waking up (biological clock).

body temperature.

Fluid balance within the body.

Feeling hungry and full.

 Sleep stages

In order to understand how staying up late can negatively affect your health, it may be useful to familiarize yourself with the different stages of sleep that a person goes through, and their relationship to nighttime.

A person goes through two main stages of sleep during his sleep:

1- Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage

During this stage, thoughts, memories and events that the individual experienced during the day are processed, and dreams occur during them as well.

2- Non-rapid eye movement stage (non-rapid eye movement - non-REM)

Many vital functions are regenerated during this stage, and in the deep stage of this stage (known as "slow wave sleep"):

The brain recovers from the overwork it did during the day.

And it secretes hormones, which helps the body to rebuild itself after the effort it lost during the day.

The length of time that you benefit from "non-rapid eye movement sleep" varies, according to the hour in which you go to bed.

If you go to sleep between 11 pm and 7 am, your body will benefit from a greater amount of "non-rapid sleep movement", compared to someone who sleeps between three in the morning and eleven in the morning.

Although you both get the same amount of sleep (8 hours), staying up late prevents the second from recovering from the effects of the exhaustion of his mind and body while awake.

Physical damages of staying awake

These are the most important physical disadvantages of staying up late:

One of the English folk proverbs says that "the hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after it," and in Egypt you find most mothers repeating the phrase "night sleep is not the same as daytime sleep" in the ears of their children.

This is not only the opinion of popular sayings, but thousands of scientific researches around the world indicate the harms of watching over the physical and psychological health, health of pregnant women, and the normal development of children and fetuses.

What happens in the body as a result of staying up late and lack of sleep?
Sleeping at night is associated with the release of the hormone melatonin, which increases in secretion in the dark and decreases in the presence of daylight.
And when you prolong the nights and reduce the number of hours you sleep at night, you are depriving your body of sufficient secretion of it, so the levels of this hormone in your body are disturbed, which negatively affects the regularity of the following functions you have:

The rates and times of falling asleep and waking up (biological clock).
body temperature.
Fluid balance within the body.
Feeling hungry and full.
 Sleep stages
In order to understand how staying up late can negatively affect your health, it may be useful to familiarize yourself with the different stages of sleep that a person goes through, and their relationship to nighttime.

A person goes through two main stages of sleep during his sleep:

1- Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage
During this stage, thoughts, memories and events that the individual experienced during the day are processed, and dreams occur during them as well.

2- Non-rapid eye movement stage (non-rapid eye movement - non-REM)
Many vital functions are regenerated during this stage, and in the deep stage of this stage (known as "slow wave sleep"):

The brain recovers from the overwork it did during the day.
And it secretes hormones, which helps the body to rebuild itself after the effort it lost during the day.
The length of time that you benefit from "non-rapid eye movement sleep" varies, according to the hour in which you go to bed.

If you go to sleep between 11 pm and 7 am, your body will benefit from a greater amount of "non-rapid sleep movement", compared to someone who sleeps between three in the morning and eleven in the morning.

Although you both get the same amount of sleep (8 hours), staying up late prevents the second from recovering from the effects of the exhaustion of his mind and body while awake.

Physical damages of staying awake
These are the most important physical disadvantages of staying up late:

Recent studies have shown that 30% of adolescents who used to sleep after 11:30 pm on school days and after 1:30 am during vacation, their academic achievement worsened compared to their peers who were not accustomed to staying up late.

Also, many studies indicate that children who are accustomed to staying up late at night are more likely than others to develop obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the future.

Damages of staying up late for a pregnant woman
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States of America found a close relationship between the period and quality of sleep a pregnant woman gets during her pregnancy and the smoothness of the labor process, as:

The risk of complications during childbirth is higher if the mother tends to stay up late and not get enough sleep.
The depression that may result from lack of sleep negatively affects the birth process and makes it more difficult.
Go to bed early, wake up early, enjoy your life!



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