القائمة الرئيسية


 More than half of men between the ages of 40-70 suffer from erectile dysfunction. Here are the main causes of erectile dysfunction and treatment methods.

What is erectile dysfunction? What are its causes? Here are the details and facts:

Definition of erectile dysfunction

The World Health Organization has helped define erectile dysfunction (ED) as follows: "The persistent or recurring inability of a man to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual performance."

In 1992, the World Health Institute and the World Health Organization recommended replacing the term "erectile dysfunction" with "erectile dysfunction", as a more precise medical term with less negative relationship.

Numbers and statistics for erectile dysfunction

About 152 million men around the world suffer from erectile dysfunction, 30 million of them in the United States alone, and certainly millions in our Arab world.

Experts estimate that more than half of men ages 40-70 suffer from erectile dysfunction, according to the following distribution:

Generation 30 to 39 (23 percent)

Generation 40 to 49 (40 percent)

Age 50 to 59 (52 percent)

Age 60 to 69 (61 percent)

Age 70 and over (69 percent)

Worldwide, about 900,000 new cases of erectile dysfunction are expected each year. Erectile dysfunction is a common condition that can often get worse and can be treated.

Causes of erectile dysfunction and disorder

Here are some common causes of erectile dysfunction:

About 80% of the causes of erectile dysfunction stem from physiological conditions (such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes).

20% of cases are due to psychological factors.

In many cases, the source of erectile dysfunction is a combination of both factors.

There is a relationship between erectile dysfunction and a man’s progress in intentional and benign enlargement of the prostate gland that leads to problems with urination and affects the erection.

Other lifestyle causes of erectile dysfunction, for example:

Heavy cigarette smoking is one of the factors for erection problems because nicotine impedes blood flow to the penis.

Prolonged alcohol consumption and lack of exercise contribute to decreased sexual performance.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction and disorder

Cialis is the only pill that allows choosing the right moment to have sex within 36 hours and when the sexual relationship improves, the marital relationship changes.

This pill allows those suffering from impotence to choose the right moment for intercourse during the weekend, the long-term effect of this pill contributes to better sex.

What is Cialis and its features?

Cialis is a drug that selectively and reversibly inhibits the enzyme PDE5, thus allowing the continuation of the smooth muscle tissue relaxation process in the penis needed to achieve and maintain an erection.

What distinguishes Cialis from other pills is:

There are no set times to take it, you should not take it on an empty stomach and it works for 36 hours, giving you more freedom.

It also has fewer side effects than other pills.

An erection can be achieved within 36 hours without the need to be programmed for 4 hours like other pills, as you must have sex during a certain period.

Erectile dysfunction due to a physical condition

Sexologists deal with the phenomenon of erectile dysfunction or the causes of erectile dysfunction, this phenomenon also can occur for a physical as well as a sensory reason.

The physical aspect can result from accidents, for example, which cause the victim to paralyze the hips area down.

There are many men of advanced age, over 50, who suffer from diseases such as diabetes and vascular problems that lead to erection problems.

Sensory-related erectile dysfunction

Sensually, men reach the state of erectile dysfunction due to sensual castration: because they were rejected, for example, or excuses were fabricated.

Another sensory factor for impotence is anxiety (which characterizes young adults and is called performance anxiety), but this anxiety is only temporary.

Sensory and physical problems can be treated with Cialis, called the magic yellow pill.

Not only can the elderly take it, it is also recommended for young adults to overcome performance anxiety, but drug dependency should not be reached.



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