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Forgetting Forgetting occurs either as a result of the disappearance and disappearance of memories, which usually occurs when information is forgotten in short-term memory, or as a result of the inability to retrieve and retrieve memories stored in the memory system, which is what happens Usually when information is forgotten in long-term memory.[1] Treatment of forgetfulness Substances that help treat forgetfulness The following materials help treat forgetfulness: Fatty fish: especially fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids. : Omega 3 Fatty Acids), which are important for brain function. It is also possible to take food supplements that contain omega-3 if you are unable to eat fish.[2] Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains types of fatty acids that increase the work of the brain in improving Memory.[2] Eggs: Eggs contain a substance called choline that helps manufacture the neurotransmitter that works in the brain, acetylcholine, so its presence in the diet increases memory, but it should be eaten in moderation. Because it contains high amounts of cholesterol.[2] Vitamin B complex: These vitamins contribute to improving memory to produce neurotransmitters necessary for the body, and they also help protect nerves, strengthen the brain and the immune system. ). It is found in bananas, avocados, and whole grains such as kidney beans, black beans, green chickpeas, and other types of grains.[2] Rosemary oil: Research was conducted in the Journal of Therapeutic Advances. in Psychopharmacology" in 2012 on twenty participants, the results of which indicated that the smell of rosemary oil may contribute to increasing speed and accuracy when performing mental functions. Northumbria University researchers also conducted an experiment in 2013 on sixty-six healthy adults that aimed to demonstrate the effect of the scent of rosemary oil on mental tests. In addition, Northumbria University researchers found in 2017 that primary school-age children who were in a room where the rosemary oil spray was sprayed performed better on the results of mental tasks that were asked of them than their classmates who were in another room where the spray was not sprayed with rosemary oil. [3] Ginger: According to a study published in 2011 entitled "Dietary supplements containing ginger enhance working memory in post-menopausal women", which was conducted on sixty middle-aged Thai women in the post-menopausal stage. Menstruation, and concluded that ginger extract is an important candidate to increase cognition in postmenopausal women, but the knowledge of the modus operandi and the effective substance with effect is still under study.[4] Walnut: According to a study published in 2015 in the Journal of Nutrition. Health and Aging "The journal of nutrition, health & aging" aims to study the relationship between nut consumption and cognitive functions, as it was conducted on a sample of the United States of America, ranging in age from twenty to For ninety years, it concluded that there is an important and positive link between nut consumption and cognitive functions in adults, regardless of age, gender or race. [6] Maintaining mental activity: Mind-stimulating activities such as crossword puzzles, learning to play musical instruments, and others help to preserve the brain and delay memory loss. Regular contact with others: Social activity helps prevent depression and stress that contribute to memory loss. Organizing: such as writing down tasks, appointments, etc., and reading the tasks that are written out aloud helps to memorize them and install them in memory. It also helps to write a list of tasks that must be accomplished and check the tasks performed. In addition to not accomplishing several things and tasks simultaneously, and reducing confusion and confusion. Sleep well: so that getting an adequate amount of sleep is a priority, as sleep has an important role in strengthening and fixing memories, and thus the ease of retrieval of these memories. It is worth noting that the amount of sleep needed by most adults ranges from seven to nine hours a day. Inclusion of physical activities in the daily schedule: The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy adults spend 150 minutes per week in moderate physical activity such as brisk walking, or seventy-five minutes per week in vigorous sports such as jogging. Running, as it is preferable to distribute it during the week, as the practice of physical activities increases the blood flow to all parts of the body, including the brain, which may contribute to maintaining the strength of memory. Control of chronic health conditions: You must follow the instructions and advice of the attending physician regarding any chronic disease, as self-care may improve memory, and these diseases include depression, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Thyroid diseases, and others. Treatments and medications should also be followed up with

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